Cara Menilai Status Nutrisi Bayi Balita dan Apras Menggunakan Z-Score Di Desa Japanan Kecamatan Gudo Kabupaten Jombang

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Septi Fitrah Ningtyas
Chanda P. Bherty
Rini Nur Diana
Ferry Ruslia


Nutritional problems are a multifactorial health problem that occurs in society. Nutritional problems occur in every life cycle from the womb to old age, so the role of regularly weighing toddlers is important in assessing their weight growth. The aim of this community service is to increase parents' knowledge in assessing the nutritional status of infants and toddlers using the Z-Score. The method used to assess nutritional status is to use the Z-Score. The activities were carried out using posters, KMS books, and direct explanations. Based on the activities that had been carried out, 20 toddlers and mothers took part in the Z-Score assessment activity. With this assessment, there are several toddlers who show poor nutritional status. Therefore, parents of toddlers need to know the nutritional status of toddlers so they can provide care to improve the nutritional status of their children who are experiencing malnutrition.

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How to Cite
Fitrah Ningtyas, S., Mudhawaroh, Chanda P. Bherty, Rini Nur Diana, & Ferry Ruslia. (2023). Cara Menilai Status Nutrisi Bayi Balita dan Apras Menggunakan Z-Score Di Desa Japanan Kecamatan Gudo Kabupaten Jombang. PEKAT: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 2(2), 48–52.
Author Biographies

Mudhawaroh, STIKES Pemkab Jombang


Chanda P. Bherty, STIKES Pemkab Jombang


Rini Nur Diana, STIKES Pemkab Jombang


Ferry Ruslia, STIKES Pemkab Jombang



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